Freyja Goldsmith


I'm originally from Iceland but I grew up in France. Once upon a time, as a kid I always wanted to be close to the sea and enjoy hot summer days on the beach. Ever since I started kiting it opened up a whole new world of fun and I knew that kites are the best toy to bring on my beach trips. When I was in university studying, all I could think of was the next time I could get on the water and be able to enjoy a good kite session on a hot sunny day. When summer break came around I went on a family trip to Sicily and I jumped on the opportunity to make Kitesurfing not only my passion but also my job and started training for my teacher licence. Since then I have been a full-time kitesurfing instructor, sharing my passion with all kinds of people, all around the world: Italy, Costa Rica, Spain, Thailand, Greece, Mexico and, last but not least, Kenya. Being on a kite spot all year around has allowed me to increase my level and diversify my skills, from freestyle twin tip to strapless surfboard to foiling – there is always room for more toys to play with! I am very grateful for the opportunities this sport has given me and can't wait to see what's to come!

#Foil, #Wave, #Freestyle

  • 年龄 : 24
  • 开始飞行的年份 : 2014
  • 当前使用装备 : Koala
  • 主要飞行场地 : Naxos, Greece
  • 职业 : Kitesurfing instructor
  • 其他爱好 : Surfing, skateboarding



Alma – You are the one!



I’ve come here to meet you, between the elements.
Inside this perpetual dance between air and water."

Alma is our versatile foil-hybrid kite for hyrdofoil, snow, surf, twintip, and land kiting. 更多