I'm originally from Iceland but I grew up in France. Once upon a time, as a kid I always wanted to be close to the sea and enjoy hot summer days on the beach. Ever since I started kiting it opened up a whole new world of fun and I knew that kites are the best toy to bring on my beach trips. When I was in university studying, all I could think of was the next time I could get on the water and be able to enjoy a good kite session on a hot sunny day. When summer break came around I went on a family trip to Sicily and I jumped on the opportunity to make Kitesurfing not only my passion but also my job and started training for my teacher licence. Since then I have been a full-time kitesurfing instructor, sharing my passion with all kinds of people, all around the world: Italy, Costa Rica, Spain, Thailand, Greece, Mexico and, last but not least, Kenya. Being on a kite spot all year around has allowed me to increase my level and diversify my skills, from freestyle twin tip to strapless surfboard to foiling – there is always room for more toys to play with! I am very grateful for the opportunities this sport has given me and can't wait to see what's to come!
I’ve come here to meet you, between the elements.
Inside this perpetual dance between air and water."
Alma is our versatile foil-hybrid kite for hyrdofoil, snow, surf, twintip, and land kiting. 更多